georg listing - Page 6

Tokio Hotel: Some Things Never Change pt.2

In those years I notice a sweet fact about Tokio Hotel, in particular about poses and faces: in those years some habits continue to stay inside them and it’s so cute, check out some of…

Tokio Hotel recieved 500.000 Euros for a 10-Minute-Performance

What a wicked fee! The German rock band Tokio Hotel took home half a million euros for a 10-minute appearance Friday evening in Moscow.

As have learned, the Russian…

Tokio Hotel in Moscow for MUZ TV AWARDS (June 3rd, 2011) [RED CARPET & SHOW + PRESS CONFERENCE]

Finally they came on the red carpet

And this is the video made by me, sorry it’s in a really bad quality, btw Bill said that they are so happy…

Tokio Hotel in Moscow for MUZ TV AWARDS (June 3rd, 2011) + UPDATE


Tokio Hotel this morning had meet&greet with fans and firmed autographs outside the Ritz hotel.

Bill has a new piercing (the same of Tom on…

Tokio Hotel in Moscow for MUZ TV AWARDS (June 2nd, 2011) + UPDATE

It seems that Buzznet working again so finally I can post something I planned in those days, and coming soon I update my top 10 chart song of May.

But first…. this blog is dedicated to…

10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Tokio Hotel

Buzznet proclaimed me the best Tokio Hotel fan of the world, so I thought to do this blog, inspired to Sylvs’ style, about Tokio Hotel, the youngest German band who…

Dedicated to you!

I decided to write this blog inspiring about one of the last blog of my friend Kat, I always tried to don’t copy the others so this blog is dedicated to the…

Tokio Hotel: over 100 awards in 6 years!

You can love them, you can hate them! One thing is sure: when there’s an event and a prize up for grabs, Tokio Hotel are there.

Since the release of the “<a…

Tokio Hotel: planetary success, German quality

If ‘Cinderella’ was written today, she would be born in Germany and wear 42nd size of shoes… And she would actually be ‘Cinderel’ (a guy). Because, in spite of his androgyny, Bill Kaulitz…

MTV O Music Awards 2011 – Tokio Hotel’s Aliens won

Oh my Guinness!!!! My boy is damn sexy with this new style, and with this goatee is so hot, oh Lordy!!!! *o* What do you think? By the way, Tokio Hotel won Mtv O Music Awards as BEST FAN ever, congratulations guys!!!

Durch Den Monsun – Tokio Hotel live in Japan

Showcase in Tokyo, Japan December 15th, 2010

EXCLUSIVE NEWS: Tokio Hotel at MUZ TV Awards 2011

German band Tokio Hotel will be one of the headliners at IX annual prize on national television in the field of popular music “Muz-TV 2011″ which will take place…

Tokio Hotel shooting during an interview in Japan (February 11, 2011)


Tokio Hotel headliner at MUZ TV Awards 2011 confirmed (Russia)

This early morning (8AM) in Muz TV web site they posted an article saying that Tokio Hotel will attend to Muz TV Awards 2011 but just few minutes later they removed the article and said that today they will announce the headliner for the festival. And that’s it ! Tokio Hotel will attend and perform… More »

Tokio Hotel Interview NHK Educational TV (Dec 14th 2010)

Voiceover: This is Queen’s favorite band. The band consists on four young East Germans called “Tokio Hotel “. Identical twins Bill and Tom were born in the year of the Berlin Wall Falls. Their dream was to play a concert in faraway Tokyo. They released their first album when they were teenagers. After it received… More »

Tokio Hotel on InRock Japan vol.329

Another amazing editorial on the new issue of InRock Japan, with a special support letter for all the Japanese people



Remember the day: Tokio Hotel live in Rome

Today it’s exactly the first anniversary of Tokio Hotel’s Humanoid City Tour live in Rome. Last year I wanted to do two dates here in Italy, one in the north of Italy and one in…

TBS Pick Up Artist: Interview with Tokio Hotel (April 4th, 2011) + DOWNLOAD


The musical walk of Tokio Hotel (PART 10)

SCREAM – New language, same emotions!

This album was released on June 1st  2007 in Italy, anticipated from the smash hit “Monsoon”. This album is a…

Happy Birthday, Georg!

Today is the 24th Georg’s bday and I would celebrate it with him and all the band. Well, I really don’t know exactly what he is doing for his bday, maybe…