gerard way - Page 6

Jonas Brothers, Rock Stars…Candles?

So, in case you’ve been living in a cave, The Jonas Brothers are everywhere.  On the radio, on television, and hey, they might have even decided to give Buzznet a try

Gerard Way Reveals Update on New Album & Other Projects for My Chemical Romance

While fans have waited impatiently through My Chemical Romance‘s self-imposed hiatus, the boys in the band haven’t exactly stopped working.  While they haven’t been concentrating on My Chem, Gerard Talks to Gerard Way at Comic Con

Proof that you can be a world famous rock star and STILL manage to be a gigantic dork. Oh Gerard, why is there only one of you?

“The Umbrella Academy” Wins Eisner Award at Comic Con 2008

Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba’s comic series “The Umbrella Academy” has already made waves in the comic community.  Far from being the vanity project of such celebrities as <a…

Gerard Way Talks Umbrella Academy Series 2

Hey remember last year when your man Gee Way turned up at Comic-Con to promote his Umbrella Academy comic? Well, he’s set to appear there again this year, along…

My Chemical Romance to Cover Bob Dylan for ‘Watchmen’ Movie

Yeah, yeah, right now all the hype may be about The Dark Knight, and rightfully so.  But with Comic Con starting today it seems fitting that an announcement has been made regarding another huge superhero

New My Chemical Romance Contest: Create a Playlist and Win!

So in case you haven’t yet heard, there’s a new contest to win one of the last ten limited edition copies of My Chemical Romance‘s live CD and DVD The Black Parade…



I thought the sparkles might help get your attention.

Look, there’s a lot of…

New Umbrella Academy

Hey, heads up!  Tomorrow, July 2nd, a new Umbrella Academy story will be running on the Myspace Dark Horse Presents page, free of charge!

Supposedly the story is set to revolve around Vanya and…

‘Umbrella Academy’ Movie Reportedly in the Works

Only one story arc of My Chemical Romance front man Gerard Way‘s comic The Umbrella Academy has been released (the trade paperback is now available,…

Dear Lyn: It’s Not Just You

Some of you may recall that recently Lyn-Z, bassist for Mindless Self Indulgence and life partner of My Chemical Romance lead singer Gerard…

The Black Parade Might Be Dead…

…but the look lives on!

Well, in a way.  Topshop has a new line called “Bandstand” that’s vaguely military inspired.  While it’s not the official Black Parade line,…

Reflections on a Black Parade

If I heard My Chemical Romance on the radio during college, I don’t remember it.  Which isn’t much of a shock.  Back then my listening preferences were mostly formed by or based on my boyfriend’s. …

Dammit, I’m finally blogging about it

So, in case you haven’t seen the discussion over here, there’s a lot of people saying that if Lyn-Z doesn’t want to be known as Mrs. Gerard Way, she should just divorce Gerard.

So, here’s…

WTF of the Day: Lyn-Z from MSI Acting Weird (Updated: Food Poisoning)

Mindless Self Indulgence is playing the last night of their UK show tonight (the ABC in Glasgow), and I get a message from a buddy…

My little bird Shiona

Eisner Nominees Announced, Familiar Names Included

So, the nominees for the 2008 Eisner Comic Industry Awards have been announced.  The awards are presented every year as part of the San Diego Comic Con (check out panasonicyouth‘s coverage…

MCR performing ‘The Black Parade’ at Bamboozle Left ’08

The fist-pumping beginning, at least!

Free Comic Book Day 2008: The Countdown Begins

So, we are officially only one month away from this year’s Free Comic Book Day.

What is Free Comic Book Day, you ask?  Well, gee, golly, gosh, let’s think about this. 

Sorry, my sarcasm…

MCR deny encore, give away tickets through Buzznet


A local press outlet put out a review of My Chemical Romance’s show in Manila—seems as if fans around those parts were not enthusiastic enough for Gerard Way’s…

First Comes Love…Then Comes Marriage…

I see it happen anytime a celebrity couple announces they’re getting married.  Or that they have gotten married.

The general first reactions are “OMG CONGRATULATIONS!”  Or raging jealousy.

And of course, the inevitable: “OMG THEY’RE GONNA MAKE…

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