Fall Out Boy plan second Antarctic attempt

Fall Out Boy‘s dream of setting the world record for playing all seven continents in the shortest time span was sadly squashed this week, due to nasty Antarctic weather — but that isn’t going to stop them from trying again, they told MTV News! Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump managed to get flights out of Chile on Thursday, but Joe Trohman and Andy Hurley were stuck for the time being, along with tour manager Henry Bordeaux. They schemed, and Andy delivered an ambitious speech, “We’re going to make this happen. And we’re going to do it first. We got so close, and I’m not the kind of person who’d bail on this. I like the adventure of doing something crazy, and this new plan is super crazy. Remember when you hear about it. It started here.”

So they have a “super crazy” plan for later this year to set the world record — in a shorter amount of time and possibly WITH some other bands.

Theories, anyone, as to what this plan might involve and which bands they might bring along?

I’m voting no on The Academy Is… because, say they get stranded, and have to eat one another to survive — TAI would provide no sustenance whatsoever. I’m just sayin’.

p.s. Buzznet is streaming FOB’s live album right here, right now!