Chris Brown Gets Violent On The Set of ‘Good Morning America’

Uh oh – it seems that Chris Brown‘s temper got the best of him… AGAIN! Chris shattered a dressing room window and stormed off the Good Morning America studios today after ABC’s Robin Roberts asked him questions about the brutal beating of his ex-girlfriend Rihanna more than two years ago.

Chris , who was scheduled to appear on the nationally televised morning show to promote his new album F.A.M.E., apparently thought that the world was past the Rihanna incident. He was oh-so-wrong.

According to Perez Hilton, sources said that Chris had begun to fume on-air while Robin began asking him about his violent past and the legal issues stemming from his attack on Rihanna. He tried as hard as he could, but Chris couldn’t get the conversation to veer back to focus on his album, which only angered him more. When the cameras finally stopped rolling, Chris lashed out and stormed back to his dressing room, where he became so out of control, the hair and makeup people had to call security.

But they were too late. By the time security got there, Chris had already torn the room apart, smashing a window in his dressing room. Then, he tore off his shirt and left the building, even though he was slated to perform a second time for the show’s website.

Chris running around the streets of NY shirtless post-GMA meltdown

The F.A.M.E. singer, who is currently sporting blonde hair, was seen walking around the streets of New York shirtless after his meltdown.

“I’m so over people bringing this past s— up!!! Yet we praise Charlie sheen and other celebs for there b——-!” Chris tweeted right after the incident, but removed it just moments later.

“All my fans!!! This album is for you and only you!!! I’m so tired of everyone else!! Honestly!! I love team breezy!! Thank you to everyone who supports my music!!! Key Word (music) !!! Love y’all,” he tweeted.

Do you think Chris Brown will ever learn his lesson? Do you think he will ever change his angry ways?