Lax sentence for Lohan

I just found out on Evil Beet that Lindsay Lohan is getting off easy for all her, um, summer antics.

The district attorney charged the 21-year-old actress with two counts each of driving under the influence, driving with a blood-alcohol level above .08 percent and being under the influence of cocaine, along with one count of reckless driving.
If your math skillz are lacking, that = SEVEN misdemeanors, no felonies. She may not have to go to jail– she may be able to serve her time in rehab.

Look, I don’t want to play a game of who’s worse out of the Paris/Nicole/Lindsay trifecta. And before you say it, you’re right, I don’t know the girl, I only know who the media makes her out to be. I just HOPE rehab is working for her, FOR REAL.

My only real question is: Do you think they’ll turn this into a Law & Order episode? (Read more of the story here.)