Bob Bryar Needs Your Help

Okay, so maybe you won’t be able to help out My Chemical Romance with their next album by singing on it (like Buzznet’s own Mark is going to be on the new AFI album!), but that doesn’t mean you can’t lend a helping hand to the band. Or at least a single member.

Drummer Bob Bryar has put out a call on the internet for fans to contribute to his current project: a wall of Red Bull cans. Bob posted a picture of his progress so far, as well as an explanation for fans:

this is a little nook in my wall where i am starting the “red bull wall”. i hope to have the entire wall done by the time we finish the record. we are taking donations for it. please collect every red bull can that you can find…

Bob later edited the post to encourage fans to “just send whatever. an old suitcase, or a remote that you dont know what its for, or a shoe, etc.” He listed the following address for the donations to be sent to:

warner brothers records C/O jeff watson 3300 Warner Blvd Burbank, CA 91505

He adds that fans in Burbank can just drop the “donations” off outside of Warner, so long as they are clearly marked with a sign saying “Jeff Watson.”

So now the question becomes: is this an actual project on Bob’s part? Or just a chance for him to pull a large-scale practical joke on Jeff Watson?

More importantly: Are you thinking of sending something along to Bob Bryar, Buzznet? If you are, I demand you provide details!