ashlee simpson - Page 8

Wednesday Buzz 4/11

I know, I know, I’m breaking your wentz-loving hearts. (ONTD)From the Ponyhawk to the Fuzzstache– Sanjaya evolves? (JustJared)Bloggers code of conduct, eh? (oreillyradar)The Hills: Season 3 will be returning in the summer! (IBBB)Britney’s head-to-toe plastic…

Tuesday Buzz 4/10

Pete & Ashlee shop. Hoodie admiration time. (ONTD)Kirsten Dunst thinks smoking weed makes her a genius. (The Dirty Disher)The Simple Life promo photos. (Allie is Wired)Oh, Hilary. Your dog doesn’t need a personals ad. (TBYLTH)Pretty…

Monday Buzz 4/9

Bar + Catwalk? Yeah, that’s all LindsLo for you. (styledash)Grouchy face Pete, Happy face Ashlee. (IBBB)Adam Brody for Premiere Magazine. Swooooon. (Evil Beet)Jstar Billboard Breakdown #2! How does thin feel? Read this article. It’s good….

Music Stuff 4/5

Robert Smith is denying that Ash Simpson collaboration rumor. (punknews)Jenny Lewis Wins L.A. “Pioneer Woman” Honor. (pitchfork)Zune coming in color. (zunescene)Arctic Monkeys talk sh*t. (NME)

Ashlee Simpson to Record Duet with Cure Frontman

Ashlee Simpson is to record a duet with The Cure frontman Robert Smith. The singer, the younger sister of Jessica Simpson, is to collaborate with Smith on her new album, the as-yet-untitled follow-up to ‘I Am Me’, released in 2005. It is believed the duo’s unlikely pairing has been masterminded by Fall… from

Tuesday Buzz 3/13

Jennifer Hudson gets free Burger King–for LIFE! (TMZ)Did Paris Hilton get a boob job? I guess she can afford it. (POTP)Run Ashlee! Run Pete! (ONTD)Tabloidwhore’s Hills Recap! Legally Blonde THE MUSICAL. (ONTD)Lindsay Lohan will run…

Friday Buzz 2/23

Jessica Simpson is allergic to Pizza. And she’s the Pizza Hut spokesperson! (consumerist)Drew Barrymore in Jane Mag. Aw, she’s pretty. (popbytes)Idol Recap, courtesy Evil Beet.Hey Pete, who you callin’ a trainwreck? (celebitchy)The OC cast reflect……

Tuesday Buzz 2/20

Mischa Barton’s homely little sis goes to rehab.  (POTP)Britney Spears: A Breakdown In Four Acts. (TBYLTH)JC Chasez is all “Leave Britney Alone!” (ONTD)Ashlee the Pilgrim, Lohan the Astronaut. (imbringingbloggingback)Jeffrey Sebelia, Project Runway winner, is broke….

Ashlee Simpson Shacks with Jessica

Ashlee Simpson loves living with big sister Jessica – because her sibling does all the cooking. The 22-year-old singer recently returned from London, where she starred as Roxie Hart in the hit West End musical ‘Chicago’, and is… from

Ashlee Simpson Denies Sleeping with Nick Carter

Ashlee Simpson says Nick Carter’s claims that he slept with her are “laughable”. The singer-and-actress – who is currently appearing in ‘Chicago’ in London – insists the Backstreet Boys singer, who this week claimed he had bedded Ashlee to… from

Jessica Simpson Looks Ill

Jessica Simpson and her sister Ashlee at Met bar in London (09/22/06). Someone might need a doggy bag.[Closer view of Jessica] Jessica Simpson in Allure Mag from

Tip…er, stalk your bartender?

NY is really promoting stalking. First, Gawker’s up to the minute google-map enabled celeb stalker… (PS. Cuomo, he’s just like me– he eats pizza!) now Bartender stalking? I mean, seriously.
JIMMY IOVINE is a fool, I…

Ashlee Simpson Drunk at a Toronto McDonalds

Amateur video of sloshed ashlee simpson

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