10 Ways To Deal With Peer Pressure This Year

Peer pressure isn’t something that only middle school and high school kids have to deal with. We all deal with peer pressure on a daily basis – no matter what age we are. This week I was at a birthday dinner and everyone ordered a drink with their dinner. I’m not a fan of drinking wine or alcohol with dinner so when the waiter asked me to order, I said, “I’m good with water, thank you.” The table went silent. Everyone stared at me. They couldn’t believe that I wouldn’t want to drink at dinner. It was so strange that I thought about changing me order but instead I reiterated what I wanted to do, “I’m not a fan of drinking with dinner. It makes me feel extra full.” They all gave me a funny look for a moment. I dealt with it. And then they moved on to another topic of interest. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of standing your ground, stating what you want to do, and then letting everyone move on. Here are a few ways to deal with peer pressure this year…