9 Nefarious Foes From the 9th Doctor

Look, I am not going to get into the entire Doctor Who mythos here because I’ve only started watching Doctor Who recently. There is lots I don’t know so please correct me if I am wrong about something. These are also probably out of order from their appearnace in the show so don’t hurt me.

I started watching random episodes here and there, beginning with the 11th Doctor, and then went backwards when they all appeared on Netflix. I don’t think that really matters though because the Doctor travels through all of space/time as he is needed so that means that I can follow the story arc in pretty much the same manner, right? OMG I’m a Netflix Time Lord! That’s probably Whovian blasphemy and I am going to end up with a Dalek trying to exterminate me or something.

We shall be taking a look at different villains from each of the different doctors leading up to the season premiere on Sunday (omg yes!) Anyways, here are 9 nefarious foes from the 9th Doctor. Let’s go!