Question of the Day: What Are Your 5 Essential Items For A Day At The Beach?

Let’s say that you are going to the beach today or sometime in the very near future. I know some of you don’t live near the beach but that’s okay, lots of us that are near beaches don’t go either. Lots of the beachers here in Southern California are gross and full of foamy, brown water and trash and it’s omg I’ll just stop ruining everything.

Anyway, let’s talk about what you need to take to the beach to survive. Here is what I would need:

  1. A HAZMAT suit
  2. one magic blanket/towel
  3. music
  4. snacks
  5. someone hot to fan/shade me

Now it’s your turn. Let’s have a beach party today and stuff!

What are 5 things you need to take to the beach?

Photo by: Thanur