everyday life #whatever i give up on this stupid ‘everyday life’ thing.

HI! i’m going to start this journal out with a quote from my 20 year old cousin and her boyfriend.

chris: *sighs* you REALLY want me to get a matching tattoo with you?

leah: (enthusiastically) YEAH!!

chris: why?

leah: because! it would be like us wearing matching socks!

it’s 11:19 am and i’ve been awake since 1 am. i’m on such a creepy schedule. i’ve had 6 hours of sleep. i’m drinking chai tea with tons of sugar to keep me awake for the rest of the day. 😀

sooo i didn’t go to tennesee, but it will happen eventually i guess. hannah’s great grandma passed away, so she had to go to indiana last weekend instead. i’ve talked to her ONCE since last wednesday, and i miss her so much! and it sucked, because the phone died when we were talking.. haha.

i hate drinking liquids. everytime i move i can hear it moving in my stomach. bhhhaahhh. 😀 i’m already getting hyper from this darn sugar.

i gave my tumblr a makeover.. i like it lots better now =]


so really i don’t have much to say. my life is kind of slow right now. haven’t been anywhere since sunday. tonight i have church. hopefully i’ll go over to hannah’s before then. and maybe i’ll take jasmine for a walk.

right now: maddy, katelyn, and i are talking on twitter. we’re talking about how chantelle said “i’m eating cuties!” we don’t know what cuties are, but the three of us get called that by her alot. we’re assuming that she’s eating her fans.

SO YEAH! i’m excited to see erika, autumn, aly 1 & aly 2, and i win the lipstick prophets contest 😉 haha. who do you guys think will win? i’m so excited to seeee!

i’ve been pretty negative lately. i’m done with it. washing all of the negativity away. i’ve also hidden some people on facebook that are only posting negative statuses. there’s no reason for us to be complaining and focusing on the bad when there’s plenty of GOOD things to talk about!

so, with that being said.. the sun is beautiful today. spring is here. everything is coming back to life. i’ve been enjoying prayer time again. my new plugs will be coming in the mail soon, along with my new crimping iron. i made my own lip pluming gloss earlier, and it worked. i have talked to gabrielle kniery (my role modelllll<3) on facebook twice now. hannah’s parents got a second car, so we’ll be able to hang out more often. my dad is signing a contract this weekend to build another house, so we’ll be getting more money. erika, hannah, and i be finished with school (FOR GOOD) at the end of may. leah will be on summer break in a few weeks. so will sammy and all of my friends who go to school. and i would list more good things, but i have to pee REALLY bad!

leave a comment with all of the reasons you should be happy right now.
