10 favorite bands

So. Here are le rules.

1) Pick your 10 favorite musical artists. List them or elaborate.2) Tag the journal “top10bands” so we can have a full tag page of all our lists!3) Pick 8 more people to do this! Make sure to link them to your original post.


10. MxPxGood time, make my heart swell. Punk rawk showwwwww. ps. Mike Herrera is still hot. With the effing lip ring. Srsly. Kthx.

9. ParamoreI’m addicted. And they’re going to be effing HUGE. The next No Doubt. For serious. That is all.

8. Fall Out BoyThe lyrics, the Wentz, the girl that gave me their burned CD and a few months later called me a Sociopath… what’s not to love? I relate. I relate.

7. Dance Hall CrashersDeveloped my love for them around the same time as No Doubt. Girl-fronted ska = love. And they played with YC one time!!!

6. Save FerrisMy first “show” Halloween 1999. I was super sick, I went anyway. The next day I landed in the ER.

5. Ok GoBefore the were on every commercial and teen movie there ever was, Ok Go played small shows, did awesome dance numbers and had the best merch ever. They’re fun, but you’ll f*cking melt if you’re ever in the front row to hear Damian Kulash sing “Let it rain”4. Jimmy Eat WorldJEW is epic and TIMELESS. Their songs have the ability to pierce through my skin to my very core and become entwined in my DNA in a matter of seconds.3. YellowcardThey mean a lot to me because I as their first “OC fan”… I got to watch them grow, and I got to be a part of it. Without them, I wouldn’t have know some of my best friends in the world, and I wouldn’t have had some of the best times. I love them for bringing me into their world, if only for a few years.2. No DoubtDo I really need to explain it to you? My love for No Doubt even outlasts the length of my best-friendship.1. New Found GloryBecause if I could only listen to one band for the rest of my life, it would be them. If I had to get a band tattoo (or any tattoo), it would be “NFG”I don’t know how many shows of theirs I’ve been to– about 20 or so– but I’ve had more fun at those shows than anything else. The one time I ever crowd surfed was during NFG at Warped Tour. Love than more than life itself.

Tag: johnnynotsid, skully, kevwad, tristanmatthew, brianfax, shoerocker, deadxstop, kairbears4(sorry if you’ve been tagged already)