Happy 2007! First Buzz of the New Year

Oh, God. At this rate, Dakota Fanning is going to be hitting the bottle by age 14. (Dlisted)

If, uh, you’re into executions– here’s a bunch of Saddam stuff. (BoingBoing)

Yeah, well, you think like a girl: Find out your brain gender. (BuzzFeed)

Are JT and Cam Diaz breakin’ up? Do I care? (Dlisted)

Like Flickr, but without the photos: Wordie.org.

Watch a new video interview with Eisley, and hear clips from their upcoming album. (Absolutepunk)

Bands that broke up in 2006, in case you wanted to know. (Wiki)

Married with Children with Guns, eh? There are more appealing ways of describing Mr. & Mr’s Smith, the TV show. (Dlisted)

Blog in the place where you live: Placeblogger

Do you kiss Nick with that mouth? Vanessa Minnilo drops the F-bomb. (indieblogheaven)

Rejected Wii games. (CollegeHumor)

Angelina is Heaven, Wal-Mart is hell. Anyone want to dispute that? (BoingBoing)

Indiana Jones, part IV: Way better than Rambo. Er, Rocky.

RIPs of 2006: James Brown died, Gerald Ford Died, Saddam hung (I don’t know if he deserves a “R.I.P.”). I almost had to say the same for my goldfish, but let’s not relive that.

Creepy/funny prediction for ’06, from DataWhat: “I was just thinking that when Ronald Regan died, Ray Charles died a couple days later (I remember this distinctly because I worked hard to convince myself that the flags were at half-mast for Brother Ray). And then James Brown and Gerald Ford die within a couple days of each other…Alls I’m saying is, when Jimmy Carter dies, Al Green better watch the fuck out.”
