New York Comic Con Day 2 Wrap Up

Your eyes do not deceive you: Saturday’s recap is going up on Sunday morning. Why? Because yesterday was SO INTENSE.

I spent most of it sitting the IGN Theater in order to hold a seat for the last two panels of the day: The Walking Dead and The Avengers.

So, here’s the highlights from my day-o-panels.

-The Nikita panel featured stars Maggie Q and Shane West, talking about the ins and outs of shooting an action show. Maggie admitted she is always pumped to do her own stunts, to the point that they have to shoot her down because of the danger. They also showed a trailer of footage from the ongoing 2nd season.

-The SONY panel was only advertised to be about Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, but we got special treats. First of all, it was the first Comic Con panel to feature trailers in 3-D, and secondly we were surprised with the new trailer for Underworld: Awakening and footage for Total Recall starring Colin Farrell. Both of the movies look totally intense when it comes to the action.

-The actual Ghost Rider portion of the panel featured a making-of featurette showing how involved the directors are in the process. These guys, who also directed Crank and Crank: High Voltage, will do things like hang off the back of a motorcycle while wearing roller blades, be suspended along with the stuntmen over a gorge and more.

-The Walking Dead Panel. Holy Zombie Jesus folks, the new season looks AMAZING. We got to see an exclusive scene from the new season and…holy crap. TENSE. And the zombies continue to look fantastic. There was a great cast panel with a ton of people, including Andrew Lincoln, Laurie Holden, Steve Yeun and Norman Reedus.

The Avengers.

The Avengers.


-Okay, so, let’s actually TALK about The Avengers. We got to see the trailer on the big screen (you’ve all seen it, right?) and THEN we got a panel with Chris Evans (Captain America), Tom Hiddelston (Loki), Colbie Smothers (Anita Hill) and surprise guest Mark Ruffalo, who’s taking over the role of Bruce Banner and The Hulk.


-We got to see the first footage of Ruffalo “ruffalizing” the role of Bruce Banner, as he put it. Sadly, he didn’t Hulk out, but the scene was very awesome and very VERY Joss Whedon (who’s directing the whole thing and DIDN’T SHOW UP THE PANEL THE BASTARD).

Also got to see a bunch of really sweet cosplay yesterday, check out my gallery for that! Doctor Who and Anime and Bronies, OH MY!