while you were…

While You Were Swearing Off Beer And Hot Dogs For At Least The Next 12 Hours

Oscar winning director and producer Sydney Pollack sadly passed away yesterday at the age of 73. Among his many great works, I’ll always remember him as the director of “Tootsie,” one of the three comedies in history to be considered an actual film by the AFI. Michael Jackson attended an Ultimate… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Feeling Proud, For Once In Your Life, Of Being A University of Memphis Alum

Charlton Heston has died. Now we can finally pry those guns from his cold dead hands! J. Lo apparently wants Tom Cruise to be the godfather of her newborn twins, who she apparently wants to be Scientologists. Jay-Z and Beyonce are now married, maybe, we think. Jessica Simpson is ripping off some… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Opting For March Gladness

Over the course of one uneventful weekend, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were married, and then quickly divorced, all in the beautiful minds of a handful of overzealous and possibly manic tabloid reporters. Amy Winehouse’s boyfriend Blake “Incarcerated” Fielder-Civil got “bruised up” after his winker was checked for the ol’ china… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Opting For March Gladness

Over the course of one uneventful weekend, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were married, and then quickly divorced, all in the beautiful minds of a handful of overzealous and possibly manic tabloid reporters. Amy Winehouse’s boyfriend Blake “Incarcerated” Fielder-Civil got “bruised up” after his winker was checked for the ol’ china… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Pretending To Be Irish

After receiving nearly $50 million of Paul McCartney’s money in their divorce settlement, Heather Mills has officially become the highest-priced hooker of all time. Oily heir Brandon Davis, now rumored to be broke, has couch-surfed and free-wheeled his way across the country, and is now back in Los Angeles. He’s sort… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Brushing Your Commemorative Wooden Teeth and Powdering Your Birthday Wig

Check out these photos of Lindsay Lohan’s latest photoshoot, appropriately entitled “How To Foreshadow Your Own Future Without Really Trying.” Jennifer Lopez is about to give birth to twins! And staffers at her local Long Island Hospital have already gotten he room ready for the delivery, equipping it with dozens of… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Sinking All Your Resources Into Florida

John Edwards announced that he is dropping out of the ’08 Presidential Election. “Unless,” he added, “Hillary and Obama take each other down in an ‘end of Rocky II’ kind of scenario.” Britney reportedly told her mother “I’ve got to get my boys back.” Has she thought of going undercover as… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Calmly Removing Each Piece of Brett Favre Memoribilia From Your Ceiling and Setting Them on Fire in Your Backyard

The Blair Witch Project 4: Why Is That Monster Killing That Statue? Oh Wait, I’m Dead Now. took number 1 at the box office. Eddie Murphy has finally done the impossible: Earned a Razzie Award nomination for each of the 36 characters he played in the dismal fat-suited commedia dell’arte known… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Wondering if Absolut Peach Counted as a Fruit Serving

Is it true Lindsay Lohan tested positive for cocaine in rehab? As serious as that is, then again it means we get an extra few sweet months of sequestered bliss! Amy Winehouse Deathwatchers will be disappointed to see these photos of the beehived stickbug downing a milkshake at Mickey Ds. Britney Spears… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Asking If Carl Jr. Was Your Real Daddy

Think about what Clay Aiken used to look like, and now understand the enormity of what we are about to say: What the f**k happened to Clay Aiken’s face? We should also add that small teeth are our fourth greatest fear, after clowns, lightning and roaches. Two hints that should have… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Wearing a Rattan Chair On Your Head

You guys… get this: The Lohan family is totes dysfunctchy! Lindsay was drinking at 16, doing drugs by, probably, 11, and is a secret cutter. Now we know how she brought so much passion to her Parent Trap role. Ex-Spice Girl Melanie Brown got married yesterday in a secret ceremony. We’re… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Wondering If Muse Is The Best Live Band Ever (They Are)

Britney Spears was involved in a very minor car accident while visiting a Hollywood pharmacy. While the singer escaped the accident unscathed, her weave was pronounced dead at the scene. Sad news for Lily Allen fans here in the U.S…. her work visa was taken away! Well, now how are we… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Ignoring Your Family and Investing Your Life in a Book About a Boy Wizard

This photo indicates that Suri Cruise is officially now old enough to pray to be adopted by sane people. The good news is she’s still the most adorable baby in Hollywood! Let’s be honest: If a bloated Marlon Brando liberally applied butter to your chooch, chances are you’d also be b*tching… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Building Your Roman Candle Arsenal

You would think that Zach Braff and Drew Barrymore (Braffymore?) is the grossest new couple news you’d heard in awhile, but then you turn around and find yourself confronted with Tommy Lee and Kimberly Stewart (Kimberlee?) bumping (really) uglies and you need to lie back down. Top Chef host with the… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Having One Last Showcase Showdown

Donald Trump welcomed his first grandchild into the world by saying, “I’ve never seen such hair on a baby in my entire life”, leading his staff members to spend the next twenty minutes trying to assure The Donald that he did, in fact, have better hair than the baby. Harry Potter… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Having One Last Showcase Showdown

Donald Trump welcomed his first grandchild into the world by saying, “I’ve never seen such hair on a baby in my entire life”, leading his staff members to spend the next twenty minutes trying to assure The Donald that he did, in fact, have better hair than the baby. Harry Potter… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Preparing To Sneak Out Of Work Early

Apparently, the Rosie O’Donnell/Elisabeth Hasselbeck feud got all third-grade yesterday, when Rosie’s chief writer was escorted from the building after being caught drawing mustaches on pictures of Elisabeth that hang in The View studios. Drawing mustaches! Luckily, security got to her before she had a chance to stand behind Elisabeth… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Getting Shot Down In A Blaze of Glory

Several tabloid editors are apparently so determined to “out” Tobey Maguire and Leonardo DiCaprio as gay lovers that they’re launching an extensive investigation into the matter. If neccessary, they’re willing to form a gay-hunting superforce consisting of Perez Hilton, the CIA, a few overly suspicious redneck bigots, and that batty… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Cleaning Off The Old Spiderman Pajamas To Wear To The Movies This Weekend

Someone has discovered new tape recordings of Anna Nicole Smith, in which she recounts stories about how she had “a lot of sex” with that withered old millionaire and lots of other vaguely depressing stuff you don’t particularly want to know. Ellen DeGeneres will be hosting today’s episode of her talk… from www.bestweekever.tv

While You Were Realizing You Should Probably Start Your Holiday Shopping

Donald Trump is threatening to sue Rosie O’Donnell after she discussed his finances and called him a “snake-oil salesman” on The View yesterday. Trump found that offensive, though he admitted that if he was a… from www.bestweekever.tv

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