midnight ridazz

One Week Later: Back Home & Hating It

Seven days ago, at around this very hour, I was stuffed in a van. I was kidnapped by a group of people that were from the future. They said they came to the past because…


Today is Easter. For those of you that choose to believe in Zombie Jebus, congratulations. He is risen! For the rest of the future inhabitants of damnation that decide to live this out as anyother…

How I Spend My New Years

I thought I was going to have some really rad shyt to post about my rockin’ New Year’s shenanegans but I don’t. I thought I was going to put that ball droppin’ celebration in Time…

Chevy Chase ALC Training Ride

Sunday Morning, Dec. 30, 2007.
Time: 9 a.m-ish
Mileage: 40ish

Yes, there actually is a street called Chevy Chase. It’s in Glendale. It also sucks. It turns into these crazy hills and I didn’t know what the…

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