michael guy chislet

Fast Times at the University of Pittsburgh: The Academy Is… Rocks the Bigelow Bash

So, every year on the first Saturday in April, the University of Pittsburgh closes down Bigelow Blvd. between Forbes and Fifth Avenue.  This serves two purposes:

  1. Massively messing up traffic patterns through Oakland
  2. Allowing Pitt to throw

The Further Adventures of William Beckett’s Hair

Okay, folks, the first thing I will do is assure you William Beckett hasn’t done anything new or drastic to his hair.  Yet.  So deep breath.

But you never

The Academy Is… “Summer Hair = Forever Young” New Music Video

In anticipation of their new CD Fast Times at Barrington High, the boys of The Academy Is… have released their first video from the album, one of the two Adam

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