
10 Things You Need To Let Go Of This Summer

If the recent tragic events in Orlando have taught us anything, it’s that life is short. We waste so much of our precious time on this earth consumed in our own personal woes that we forget how much of a blessing this life truly is. Summer is a time to be carefree and there’s no… More »

7 Alternatives To Skipping Prom

Let’s be real – sometimes high school is a nightmare and the last thing you want to do is pay money to spend even more time with those who made your life a living hell at prom. (Still bitter, Tina? Maybe.) Whatever your situation is – whether you enjoyed high school or not – sometimes… More »

5 Reasons Why Alone Time Is Good For You

I’m not entirely sure why the notion of being alone has such a stigma around it, but chances are if you feel like being alone is a nightmare, you need a reality check, boo! As an introvert myself, my alone time is very precious to me and if I don’t have at least an hour… More »

Tina’s Top 10 Albums of 2014

Whoever said that writing about music shouldn’t be personal either had a big bowl of phooey for breakfast or they’re just in the wrong profession. If you’ve never had a personal connection to a particular…

The 10 Most Underrated Garbage Songs

Garbage has been the most influential band in my life, not to mention of the 90’s. From the impressionable age of 13, I re-discovered their…

20 Things I am Thankful for

Tomorrow is American Thanksgiving, (my native Canada’s Thanksgiving was weeks ago) and I am so excited to spend the day off with Swoon’s family. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it always reminds me to check in and get right with my soul. I spent this morning going through my photos from this year and… More »

What Book Changed Your World?

So, I know a lot of you out there are avid readers.  I’m the same way, and I’ve actually started slacking off in recent years compared to how many books I could devour in middle…

My 50 fav songs of 2005

I’m posting this ’cause you didn’t know me in ’05– because I’m gearing up for my ’07 list and for the life of me, I do NOT know where my ’06 list went.


5 Halloween Covers I’d Kill For My Chemical Romance to Perform

(Get it?  “Kill?”  HA!  I’M FUNNY!)

So, ’tis the season.  No, not THAT season (which I refuse to refer to by name because it’s too damn early for that), dumbass, Halloween season.  Though, interestingly…

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