august burns red

South By So What Announces Lineup

Am I the only person counting down till festival season? I love South By South West and hope to attend this year! SXSW is known for getting the head start on up and coming acts…

Summer Hair = Forever Young: A Warped ’08 Recap

So, Warped Tour is over and I gotta be honest, I’m experiencing some post-tour blues. You never would guess I’d feel this way if you read my first week twitters. (To recap,…

August Burns Red @ Dallas Warped

Warped Tour ’08: Nonprofits – Another Great Reason to Spend Money on a Ticket

Okay, so really Warped Tickets aren’t expensive.  But if you’re like me, you might have issues along the lines of “But I could use that money to pay bills!”

Well, yeah, you could.  But consider this:…

Warped Tour A-Z With Breesays and Trendysecret

Because we love Warped Tour AND because we love making ridiculous lists together, Christine and I have collaborated to bring you a Warped A-Z. With some bonuses thrown in there, because we’re indecisive.…

Warped Tour ’07 Retrospective

Oh Warped Tour, how
I love thee. Every year I go, I sweat, I sing, I buy sh*t and I have a
great time. This year I’m going to…

Warped Tour ’08: Roll Call – and Dos and Don’ts!

The Vans Warped Tour is SERIOUSLY right around the corner now and guess what?! I’ll be on some of the tour!!! I’m kind of totally excited. Anyway, I hereby deem this post the Warped Tour…

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