Engagement Party Drama: Bride’s Sister Causes Scene And Is Escorted Out In Tears
No matter how beautiful and dream-fulfilling a wedding is, it's rare for them to go off completely without incident. Because even if the day is perfect, it's a safe bet that it's a day the couple has sweated over planning for months.
For these reasons and more, it's natural to be worried that a problem family member is going to wreck the big day. But while that certainly seems likely for one bride, she can take solace in the fact that she found that out early.
True love

In a Reddit post, the bride began by sharing how blessed she feels overall because she's about to marry the love or her life.
To celebrate, she booked an engagement party an upscale restaurant.
A serious and sudden ultimatum

The day before this party, the bride made a point of sitting her sister down and telling her that she wanted the focus of the party to be her wedding.
By that, she meant that she was pleading with his sister not to go overboard in taking photos for social media.
Background of this heart-to-heart

The bride realized that, in a vacuum, this seemed like a petty concern. So she explained why she was so insistent on this photo policy.
And it had to do with how desperately her sister wants to attract online fame.
A stereotypical influencer

The bride-to-be described her sister as the "embarrassing caricature of the perpetually online influencer" and provided some examples of what she meant.
For this sister, it's not simply a matter of taking a few pictures of an event and posting them to social media.
Swimming in artifice

One example the bride provided was that her sister apparently makes a habit of ordering two entrees at a restaurant.
But that's not because of a large appetite. She only eats one of them, which means she orders the second dish just to photograph it because it's "prettier."
A clear lack of consideration

If that sounds ultimately harmless, the bride went on to establish that her sister has no issue with being a public nuisance if there's a chance she can get clout out of it.
For instance, the bride mentioned at least one occasion where she's stopped traffic to take photos of her outfit in the middle of the street.
She's not above fake stunts

The bride also shared that it's also not unheard of for her sister to fabricate stories in the hopes of going viral.
One example she offered saw her sister post a picture of herself crying in a Starbucks and accompany it with a made-up tale of a barista bullying her.
Her life but not her wedding

Up until this sit-down, the bride hadn't said anything about her sister's clout-chasing habits. Because as she saw it, her sister's an adult who's free to live her life however she wants.
But as she wrote, "For my wedding I really didn't want her to pull any of her antics."
Not an unreasonable request

The bride also wanted to clarify that she did not try to prohibit her sister from taking photos at all.
Rather, she pleaded with her not to do anything that would embarrass her, such as the aforementioned stunts she's pulled.
Just couldn't help herself

Although the engagement party went as planned at first, it seemed the sister couldn't resist falling into her usual habits.
As the bride relayed, she stood on top of her chair to take a photo of her meal from above.
Secondhand embarrassment

This proved to be quite a sight for the couple's guests, who stared in shock at what the sister was doing.
After a while, a waiter walked over to her and asked her to sit back down.
A less-than-mature reaction

Not only did the sister remain standing when the waiter talked to her, but she outright refused to do anything he asked.
And as if she hadn't caused already enough of a scene, she started loudly arguing with him.
A tried and true tactic

As this argument continued, she apparently tried to to use her status as the sister of the bride as a justification.
And when that didn't work, the bride said that she started to loudly sob and claim she was being bullied.
The bride wasn't having it

To the bride, this was exactly the kind of behavior she was hoping to curtail, so she was mortified.
As such, she didn't waste any time in having the groomsmen escort her sister off the premises.
A predictable reaction

It almost goes without saying that the sister didn't take this response well. It wasn't long before she took to social media to start lashing out at her sister.
In particular, she criticized her for not handling the incident with more "grace and empathy."
The bride questions herself

For anyone wondering how the bride was supposed to do that, the sister said she should have warned her before she kicked her out of the party.
Since this was a snap decision the bride made in the moment, she wondered if she could have handled the situation better.
The internet responds

While mulling over this concern, the bride asked Reddit for some alternate perspectives to see if her response was appropriate.
And while a couple of commenters entertained the idea that she could've responded better, even they thought that worrying about that was ignoring the issue at hand.
The same result no matter what

Most users were unconvinced that an additional warning would have affected the situation at all.
To them, her sister's claim stating otherwise merely comes off as an excuse for her obviously obnoxious behavior.
The sister's selective memory

Many were quick to point out that the sister conveniently forgot she was warned about her behavior because that's what the entire conversation before the party was about.
As one user put it, "You DID warn her. You told her before the event even happened."
Not the only warning

Even taking the bride's plea aside, commenters felt that the waiter also gave her sufficient warning when he asked her to sit back down.
And as one person suggested, none of their reactions should have come as a surprise. In their words, "Fighting over a pic of her food and drawing attention away from the occasion? That's rude."
The truth of the matter

With these circumstances in mind, it didn't take long for Reddit commenters to become convinced that the bride wouldn't have made a difference even if she warned her sister until she was blue in the face.
As one user wrote, "She's proven that she doesn't respond to warnings, only to consequences. And that's what she got."
She showed her true colors

Another person pointed out that it would be a lot easier to take her sister's claim that the bride didn't act with "grace and empathy" seriously if she showed any intention of stopping her photo op.
They said that she couldn't just claim she forgot herself in the moment once she started arguing with the waiter.
A clear and concerning pattern

Based on what the bride told them, some commenters became pretty confident that they understood exactly what kind of person her sister had blossomed into.
As one person put it, "She's an attention addict - and the sort that always makes herself out to be the victim when she knows she was the one who effed up."
A worrying thought

Given how the sister acted at her engagement party despite the warnings, it was hard for an unfortunate question not to cross people's minds.
In the words of one commenter, "If your sister can't even behave for an engagement dinner, how bad will the actual wedding be?"
A contingency plan

Considering the usual tactics when a family member tries to upstage a bride, some warned of the possibility that her sister would show up to the wedding in a white dress.
And so they half-joked that her wedding party should have some grape juice on standby.
Laying down the law

More seriously, many commenters suggested that a much stricter policy for her sister will have to be in place when the wedding rolls around.
As one user outlined, "I would escalate and say she not take pictures at all (at least on her phone) to future events since her judgment about what is "above and beyond" is clearly lacking."
A more extreme suggestion

Considering how well the bride's last attempt to establish boundaries went, some commenters were even more hard-nosed about what they thought her next move should be.
In the words of one of them, "I say uninvite her now so she can get all her victim drama out before the wedding."
A thought for the waiter

Although the scene the sister made understandably made her the focal point of the discussion, one commenter did spare a thought for the waiter who dealt with her.
As they said, "And I hope you have that waiter an excellent tip for having to deal with her nonsense."
The audience's sympathy

In any case, commenters sympathized because they largely agreed that the bride's sister sounded exhausting to be around.
As one of them succinctly put it, "I just read this and I'm already sick of your sister."
A clear consensus

Although it's unclear what the bride's next move will be, it seems she can take solace in the fact that she was not the problem in this situation.
In case there was any doubt, her commenters' opinions made it clear that her sister's lashing out was influenced by a clear lack of self-reflection.