Artist Spotlight: Exclusive Interview With Our Talented Buzzmaker Kerli!

Reblogged from Brittany Lee

As I am sure you all know, we have an amazing Buzzmaker who goes by the name Kerli!

Now that you got a taste of her music, here is an interview we did:

For any readers who haven’t heard your music, describe your sound!

My sound is always changing and reflective of who I am or what I’m “tuning into” with the “antennas” at a certain moment. I’ve been through some dark sounds on my first album and super happy sounds on my last EP. The newest stuff I’m working on is a mixture of all the different soundscapes I’ve explored. It has the magic and the introverted vibes of “Love is Dead” but the more refined craft of songwriting of “Utopia”. I think the Moon Children will really love where I’m going next.

When did you first fall in love with music and realize it is what you wanted to pursue?

It has honestly never been a question for me. I always knew what I was gonna do. It’s a gift and a curse at the same time cause it was hard dropping out of school and leaving home as a teenager to pursue some fantasy that everyone around me thought was ludacris. At times I wonder what it would be like to do normal things and have weekends off. But I think I would die. I get so depressed when I don’t create.

You often refer to your fans as “moon children”, tell us more about that!

Moon symbolizes the hidden, the magical, the feminine. It is silver which is symbolic of clarity, purity, and brilliance. A lot of people believe we are entering the era of the divine female, which is more delicate, nurturing and loving than the male dominated world view that is popular right now. There are gonna be people who are gonna wanna elevate themselves beyond the drama and suffering of the ego driven consciousness and there are gonna be people who are comfortable living in it. I try to inspire Moon Children to be the light in the world and they inspire me to be one every day.

We believe in integrity, love and unity and mark ourselves with 3 crystals called the “moon marks” that symbolize the simple devotion of being the best version of ourself every day.

Your hair is always so unique, do you do your own hair?

Yes, I do. For a long time, I didn’t have the resources to work with really good people so I learned to do everything myself. I also do the make up, art direction and hand make most of my crazy costumes.

You have been doing a lot of songwriting this year, elaborate on that! Do you have a favorite song you have written?

I’ve been writing so much. I guess my favorites are the ones that Moon Children are gonna be able to hear soon. I am at a place where the label and I agree on what the singles should be and that is very refreshing.

If you could put together your dream tour, who would be on it with you and what would your dream tour bus be like?

I wanna keep the dream tour ideas under wraps until I can actually go on one…but my dream tour bus would probably look like a massive glittery space ship, hopefully full of my family and closest friends

What is one moment with a fan that stands out to you the most?

Meeting an 18-year old MoonChild who was a clean water activist. I love meeting young people that are aware and truly care about others and the planet. It is very inspiring.

Any hidden talents or guilty pleasures?

I’m a really good cook! I can cook the hell out of russian food

You have played shows internationally, what is your favorite place to perform?

Estonia, my home. I love it so much. Also Sao Paulo, Brazil was unbelievable. The people there are the most beautiful people on Earth, they radiate love.

What country has the best food? Fashion?

My favorite food so far has probably been in Romania, it’s kinda like Greek food but totally it’s own thing, with all these incredible cheeses and soups.

What is your plan for the rest of the year?

I have stopped making plans cause things never go the way I plan but I am waking up every morning to write music and have some other really exciting projects in the works. There’s definitely gonna be fashion…fashion and other fantastical stuff.

Any advice for your fans and the Buzznet readers who are trying to follow their dreams?


And focus on what you can give, instead of what you can get. Notice how switching that up makes you feel? Selfish thoughts promote fear which blocks the flow of true creativity and makes the body feel tense. When you focus on how you can elevate others with your gifts, you see how your body feels light, how you feel inspired.

Stay true.

What is your favorite song from Kerli?

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