Buzznet Storytellers Group #18: Welcome in my ArtLand

All my life I live in the same place, in the same room. But every years there isn’t the same.

Every season brought here something new. Life is so big travel to place which we don’t know.

I have an artistic soul and my room helping develop art.

From my window I can see so beautiful forests and during the autumn and winter when the trees don’t have the leaves I see the Fort.

Old photo from my window:

And the fort. Photo I found in Internet. It was the biggest fort in Austria-Hungary and helped so much during Word Wars.

My room is for me like a temple. This place is so important for me because having safe place it everything what we need. In this room was born some stories, poems…..

My walls are pink because I love this color. I think that colors are part of the soul and wonderful inspiration. Pink always calm me down.

On the wall I have some Kerli’s posters. A few I won in some contest like autograph which is on the board and two she sent to me what made me so happy… And on the board is my art too… and on the table are my flowers which have so great soul!!! Love flowers so much!!!

Almost 90% stuffs there I need to my art. I love cartons and boxes because they helped keeping things which I need and I know where they are. Aha, and there are so cool books…. in my books always are flowers!!! I put flowers to my books and next I have so beautiful. And they will live so long time…

On the doors is so many photos of the animals, cute animals because I have there the pane. I didn’t like when people tried to look what I doing, or guessts…..

So warm bed and my sweet bears <3

on this arm-chair I read, I write, I learning… so warm and nice place to relax!!

I love teddy bears so much because they don’t hurt… they are only so lovely and can to keep every secret!!! These two are my fav!!! Detective(brown), I received when I was a kid, and Hope (pink) so lovely and the most sweet from my the best friend.

Art- you know that I love it so much and this is my life.In one carton I have my wonderful stuffs to create!!!!! Some of their have about 11 years!!! I care about everything so much because I want to keeping it long time, thanks it I don’t must buy new what’s not easy. 50% of these stuffs I received from my uncle and helped me in school so much.

Everything is in a little carton but there is many boxes:

I put these stuffs on the floor. This weird but love this photo 🙂

Send to everyone many love and light,

