Waitin’ On A Sunny Day

Earlier in the year, I took a photo of some cobweb-covered sunglasses with the hope that I could tweet the picture with a caption of “Dusting off the sunnies!” on the first day of Summer but somehow, that season seems to have skipped the UK. It’s July and I’m still waitin’ on a sunny day. With the news forecasting more rain, rain, rain, I’m beginning to lose my optimism. I’ve been envisaging my ’12 summer through rose-tinted glasses; imagining myself catching the rays while watching bands and waving a much needed ice-cold drink in a sweltering crowd. Now, I’ve come to the realisation that it’s more likely that in almost exactly two weeks time at Redfest when headliners Kids In Glass Houses walk on stage singing “Stop wishing for the sunshine, start living in the rain”, the lyrics will be a little too relevant. I’ll be there for the music – mud or no mud – (because I’m a trooper like that) but I can’t help but wish for a little sunshine, even when living in the rain.


P.S My real reason for grumpiness is due to computer problems. My laptop has broken and there will be no ‘Three For Free’ this week due to my replacement deciding to crash and somehow unsave my draft. So if you’re wondering why Ive been blogging a little less than normal, that’s why.
