Dashboard Confessional HOB Anaheim: ‘So Impossible’

Last night I took a drive down to Anaheim to see the man who had a large impact on my life as a teenager, Mr. Chris Carrabba. Chris started his music act Dashboard Confessional in 1999 as a solo artist, which turned into a full band and now he is back on a solo tour. Now to a lot of you on the site DC might seem like a distant memory but for me and the other 1,000 or so people last night, DC is still very much alive and relevant in our lives.

Let me tell you a little bit about the show.

– Chris was on the stage with just a mic and two guitars, which he switched back and forth playing. The only other members of the band were all the fans in the room; including me.

– He began his set by saying, “Hi, my name is Chris. It’s nice to see you.” <3

– Being at a DC show is being at a huge sing along. Chris leads us, but he encourages us to take center stage and everyone is immediately connect via his words and beautiful melodies.

– The show was near Disneyland and a fan brought him custom embroidered Mickey Mouse ears, which he put on right away. So sweet.

– Chris is not worried about sounding perfect. He allowed his voice to crack and sings right on his break for the powerful sections of the songs. Normally this would really bother me, but Chris makes it work with his passion. And when he is right in the sweet spot his voice sails over your head.

– Another interesting thing about being at a Dashboard show is you hear “Shhhh” if someone is chatting too loud while he is on stage. Everyone wants to hear what he has to say.

– He doesn’t have a set list. He lets the crowd yell out suggestions while he shows off his quick wit with comments back to the crowd like, “I can’t play the last song first, let’s save it shall we?” and “These are all good ideas. I like all of these songs.”

– And lastly he is so charming, handsome and talented that it’s “So Impossible” not to fall in love with him by the end of his set. What a guy.

I will never grow out of his songs and will always catch him live when I have the chance. #musicrules.

Let’s talk music, let me know your thoughts in the comments below.