Question of the Day: What Makes You Feel Bad?

I would like to preface this QOTD by saying that I don’t actually feel bad, sad, melancholy, or morose today. In fact, I actually feel alright. Yes, just alright. It’s rare for me to beam with joy, although that feeling isn’t totally foreign to me.

On most days, I am just very “meh” about things. I am usually in a half state of being, not really reacting at all but rather just taking everything in. It’s how I operate most of the time. I feel like a lurker all the time.

There are things that happen sometimes that do make me feel bad. Not bad in the “upset” sense, but more of a sads kind of way. I was reading Rhianna’s post about her Zeus and it made me sad. Drop her a note if you have a second. I was also reading the 10WorstFeelings tag on Twitter and it made me want to sit in a chair and be sadface.

Is this depressing? I don’t mean to be. This post isn’t coming from a sad place, I just want to know which things make you feel bad about stuff. Shall we give this a go? If you want to, give this QOTD a whirl and let’s see what you come up with. I will dispense hugs if you needz them.

What things make you feel bad?