Question of the Day – Brought to Ye By the Ides of March

Beware the Ides of March!

Since today is a day most heinous and mared, I thought it would be fun to play a game. As you can see in the photo above, Meredith traveled back into time and caught Nancy Spungen playing with knives. What if someone was able to travel back in time and warn her? What if?

Timey wimey

What if someone (not the Doctor though and you know why) was to warn Julius Caesar that he was going to be turned into a human version of Pin the Tail On the Donkey except there was no tail and the tacks were a lot bigger? What if?

Yes. My point is coming Mr. the Doctor

Let’s say you were able to travel back INTO TIME to warn yourself about a particular event that was most damaging to you. Let’s also say that this other version of you is not the anti-you, made up of anti particles and that shaking your hand wouldn’t explode the universe (I’m just saying). What would that event be? That’s the Question of the Day.


You only get one trip back into time.You can only pick one event. You cannot talk to anyone other than yourself. Don’t smash anything. Tell us why you would change this even/give yourself this warning.Spend all the physic paper you wan (but you’re coming back.

So there you have it. Are you ready to answer the QOTD? Yes, you are. GO!

For my event, well there’s this:

What would your future self warn your past self about?