Question of the Day: What Does It Take to Impress You?

People like to impress other people. Well, most people. It happens. Why? I am not sure, but it does. I was going to say that I try to impress people but actually that is false because that makes me feel like a toolbox.

The Superb Bird of Paradise – Not impressing anyone.

When I go on dates (and this was like in summer because dating sucks, I’m bad at it, and I am kind of over it), the inverse happens. In my attempt to not be a toolbox, I usually end up being “the listener.” I don’t like talking about myself (unless it’s here in the QOTD or whatever I write about in my blahg) because it seems weird to me and it makes me feel awkward.

Anyway, during dates and such this pretty much is me:

Then, like at the end, I usually think to myself, “Wow. All that dude did was talk about himself.” So then I am all:

Since I am also jaded, it kind of gets whackbawlz listening to people talk about themselves in that “I’m mega important blah blah blah” kind of way. I mean, I get it but no. Let’s just talk about:

How Awesome Starbuck is:

The Tragedy that is OH SNOWS:

How we can perfect our BMO DANZ MOVES:

aaaaand this:

Would be VERY impressed

I think I am done talking. OMG. See? That’s why I don’t talk because then this happens. SO SORRY BB’sAnymews,

What does it take to impress you?