Why I Don’t Buy Into the Whole ‘Pippa Middleton is Amazing’ Thing

When I found out TLC is devoting a whole TV special to Pippa Middleton, I kind of snorted. It’s called “Crazy About Pippa” and will feature a plethora of “specialists” (basically, editors of tabloid gossip magazines; maybe Jill Ishkanian will share her words of wisdom?!) speaking about Pippa’s rise to fame. It should be super exciting…

I see Pippa simply as “the sister of Prince William’s wife.” The Middleton sisters do not particularly impress me. I’m sure they are wonderful people, but honestly? They seem extraordinarily ordinary. Neither dresses in a way that is inspiring (to me, at least), and I don’t care if Pippa is apparently known as “Her Royal Hotness.” Her “scandalous” bikini photos are really not something to gasp over. And this?

Go on any college student’s Myspace and you’ll find a picture like that.

I guess the heart of my dispassionate opinion of Pippa lies in the fact that she is so tediously mainstream. I know some consider her to be the slightly more badass sister of the two, and therefore find her fascinating, but in reality, she dresses like the 29-year-old women I see on the bus every morning of my school year venturing to their sedentary, cubicle-confined jobs on 42nd street — office-appropriate dresses that hit right above the knee, ballet flats, oversized beige leather bag, and the occasional tailored jacket. It’s just not interesting. And has Pippa ever said anything particularly intelligent or moving or even wittily snarky to the press? No. Because she’s basically done zero interviews. Pippa is an attractive enough young woman to be liked by the general public, but is she something special? Not really. But I guess looks and a few exposing paparazzi shots are all people find interesting these days.

Do you guys consider Pippa to be a “style icon” or do you share my view?

P.S. I know I’ve posted a number of photos of Kate during her North American tour with P. Wills, but what can I say? It appeals to a broad audience. That’s how you get comments.