Question of the Day: If You Had the Chance, Would You Go Through High School Again?

High School is awful. Your body is weird, people are mean, and there’s homework. You have to take classes like “Shop” and read Shake-a-spear and other things that you aren’t really interested in. You eat alone under a shade tree because no one understands you and the world is cruel. You change in the corner of the gym because you are ashamed of your potato shaped body that has begun to sprout in all the wrong places and that’s not right.

Maybe that was just me. I hated high school. The only thing that I would’ve done better was test out of all that crap. Oh I would have gone to class more too. That is it. In summation, I would not go to high school again. I would probably set it on fire and not even care. Call the cops. I don’t give a p00t.

If you are in high school, what do you like about being there? What do you dislike? For the rest of us that have survived, if you had the chance, would you go through high school again?