for every day.. for every second..

“The days go on and on… they don’t end. All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don’t believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention, I believe that one should become a person like other people.”

tonight i am doing a movie night with a few of my friends and i think taxi driver might be in the lead. i have never seen it but it has always been on my must see list. i am a big fan of the director and his other films, so i cant see myself hating this one.. ha ha.. have you seen it? any good?

lately my life has been the most random & chaotic it’s been in awhile. busy is always a good thing.. just have to make sure to always save a bit of time for friends and fun. cutting out the negativity in my life. i don’t need people who suck the positive energy and need to bring you down so they can be content with themselves. jealousy can drive people to do nasty things. there is no need to ever insult anyone on their appearance or lifestyle. it is none of your business and rude.. anyyyywwwaaayyyyssss… i have about a month till my birthday.. i can’t believe im going to be 23.. i still forget that im not 16 and on summer break.. life is so simple when you’re young.. but with all the teen angst & rebellion you forget to appreciate it.. enjoy each day.. every second of it.. this is your life.. fuck the rest.. xoxo