Featured 365 Day Project: KobraKidd

I am convinced that KobraKidd is a tiny genius. Mostly this was the first picture I ever saw of her and her bird and mostly I lol’d for all the evers:

Let us meander about to the magical land that is her 365 Day Project. She already did a 30 Days of Music thing and if you missed out on that party, shame on your face. Lucky for you, it’s never to late to go and ogle her page and be all “HEY UR AWESUM!” because she totes is.

Day 39: Motivational Bracelets

Day 5: Day With A Boo Boo

Day 62: My “Angry” Bands

Day 137: Promise That When I’m Gone, You’ll Kill My Enemies

She likes MCR a lot, she’s rad at drawings, and mostly you should be her friend and stuff. Here’s to more posts from her 365 Day Project that are pretty bad ass.