Escape From LA

Sorry for being a little M.I.A past few days, last week I was up all night with the most gut wrenching feeling that I couldn’t ignore. I have been known to be a Chicken Little, but when I feel something this strong I have to act on it or I will lose my mind. I packed my bags within 20 minutes, forced my boyfriend and kitty into the car and started driving east. We stayed a few days in Arizona and Lake Havasu and im currently in Las Vegas. I guess you could say im buying time until this feeling goes away. Tuesday I plan to return to Los Angeles to pack a bag and hop on a flight asap. I must say I am now a pro at sneaking my cat into hotel rooms! I may be overreacting but something just doesn’t feel right, but for now bath robes, sleep mask, anti anxiety cds. Sending good vibes all around!