Question of the Day: What Tours Are You Looking Forward To This Year?

In the magic kingdom that is the land of Buzznet OfficeBerg, I sit next to BreeSays. Currently, she has a sick. Her desk is full of Thera-Flu packets and Kleenex and oranges and other things that will make her not die at work. The other thing her desk if full of are PLANS. Yes, plans to invade the tour buses of her future tour boyfriends. It looks like Ticketmaster threw up on her desk. She is going to be busy.

Photo By: KatieFace

Bree is probably looking forward to holding the hands of many men folk sometime shortly. For the rest of us, we just go to shows to hear music and bask in the glory of our favorite bands singing things we cannot articulate because we are not so awesome with the words.

Are you looking forward to any bands going on tour this year? If so, which? Are you looking forward to any tours that will be invading your town? TELL US EVERYTHING.