A Blog I Stole That Was Already Stolen – Answer This Plz? kthx :)

I like stealing things. I like stealing things so much that I decided to like a band called The Mummies because they have an album called “Never Been Caught,” which is all about stuff I can’t repeat in good company.

Anyway, SappySuperUnknown10 wrote a blog in which she states – “Sooo, I stole this from Iska :p

Here’s Sappy’s Original Post – OMG ITS A LINK!

So now, I am stealing it from THE BOTH OF THEM. Please answer the following questions and stuff because I like reading stuff that’s about me.

1. Why did you first add me as a friend?2. What were your first thoughts about me?3. What do you think now?4. What is your favorite picture I’ve taken or blog I’ve written?5. How would you describe me or what I post?6. What reminds you of me?7. If we were able to magically teleport to magical places together, what do you think would be awesome to do?8. Maybe we could attempt to make an ice sculpture, what do you think we should make?9. Do you believe in magic?10. Are you happy we’re friends?