Extreme Body Mod: Branding, Implanting and Surface Piercing.

It’s amazing what people will do to their bodies to look different. I’m all for anti-status quo but I’m too chicken to imagine the pain that must come along with some of these body modification procedures.

Scarification: When cuts or burns in the shape of a pattern/image are inflicted upon one’s skin. When the wounds heal, the skin should raise and heal in the shape of the image.

Transdermal Implants: When body jewelry is implanted underneath the skin. The body then heals over the implant and creates a raised design.

Surface Piercings: Surface piercings appear to be two piercings straight across from each other. This is achieved by pinching an area of skin and piercing through the pinched part. These take quite a long time to heal, and have high rejection rates.

Anti-eyebrow piercing
A corset piercing is essentially a series of surface piercings with ribbon strung through the jewelry.

I’m kind of liking anti-eyebrow piercings.

Body Mod: Would you ever consider it?