adventures in the dark, pot holes included.

good evening. it’s morning.

i’m not sleepy at all XD i don’t think i’m going to sleep at all tonight. i’m listening to chantelle’s new songs. check them out if you like awesome music =] click here.. “take me away” “just do it” and “hurry up” are the new ones. hurry up is good, but the other two are better, in my opinion. go listen to them.. HURRY UP and JUST DO IT 😀 *has had too much sugar and caffeine*

thursday my friends josh and sam came over at 10pm to hang out with me and erika. we walked the streets until.. who knows. it was late. we had so much fun. those boys are RIDICULOUS. at one point we heard this noise (it was just other people talking, but we didn’t know at the time) and sam stopped dead fast, and was posed in some stance like he was going to kung fu punch someone.. it was soooo hilarious. the noise of him stopping in the gravel was louder than the noise we heard.

and then! as we were walking, me and erika were on the side of the road, while the boys were basically in the middle of the road. erika walked right into a pot hole in the road and kind of stumbled. she shrieked and laughed, saying something like “there’s a hole there!” but i stupidly followed behind and fell right into it and tripped lololol. it was hilarious! at the time.

at one point we were walking towards a house. i REALLY saw some weird green light flashing. i kept saying “did you see that green light you guys? it was green!” for a while everyone was just saying “no, what are you talking about?” finally sam said “you’re ‘tripping’, aren’t you?!?”

then the guys were looking at this really nice car, getting too close to it. they thought the front hood was partially open, so they were trying to close it. i was afraid that the guy was still awake and might look out the window, so i was like “guys, he’s watching you, get away from it!” =] i only told them that he wasn’t after they were far away from the car again.

after we walked we all came inside the house and were lazily laying on the bed in our computer room. we were all leaning up against the wall, and as you can see in the picture below, there is crown molding(?) or something on the wall, it was sooo horrible, we kept hitting our heads on it. once i aggravated-ly stated “this is the most uncomfortable bed EVER” and sam was like “I KNOW RIGHT”.. it was hilarious at the time [again] =]

the rest of the night consisted of:

i’m going blind from the camera flash, okay

let’s break into the shed but not take anything… we’ll leave them clothes and a drink, actually

i’ve never petted a horse and remembered it

everything is zombies and cake with you

and lots of other hilairious (to us) things i can’t remember 🙂

here is sam being sleepy the dwarf.

they were looking at a car….

it’s nice having guy friends again. sam graduated friday. i didn’t go to the graduation because i’m afraid of people D:

today [yesterday, whateverrrr] erika and i went hiking with the family. west virginia is beautiful, i have to admit. i kind of love it. now i am eating cashews.

wednesday a guy we used to be friends with but lost contact with came to youth group. he rededicated his life =] it was really awesome. and tomorrow [today] my aunt and uncle [they used to be christians but they backslid] are supposed to come to church. i’m really excited.

