To Clarify It All…

Please note that no comments will be allowed on this post, because this is the LAST thing I am going to say on the matter here on Buzznet. This is not because I do not want to hear your opinions, but because this is the END of it for me.

Recently I said some things about My Chemical Romance that upset a portion of the Buzznet community. And while I don’t regret believing what I said about the band, I’m sorry I lashed out at their fans because of my own personal issues with MCR. I retain the right to have personal issues with them, to not like what they’re doing lately and, yes, even to have completely lost faith in the band.

But that doesn’t mean I should have struck out at fans who can still believe in them. Believe all you want and if you’re let down, hey, you know where to find another disillusioned broken heart. But what I said was said with the intent to hurt and that wasn’t right of me.

So I apologize for doing that. I tend to say “Believe what you need to believe, I’ll believe what I need to believe,” but in this case I broke that rule and I’m sorry.

But I’m NOT sorry for mocking Gerard Way’s hair in that photo, seriously. Looked ridiculous.

And I DO hope that many of you are as passionate about world issues as you are about defending Gerard Way’s stupid hair style.