everyday life #7

ja ja, egal.

i went to a wedding saturday evening =] it was beautiful!

erika took this. or i did.. one of us did, and she edited it. very blurry, because we couldn’t use the flash. anyway, it was so lovely. i almost cried when she entered. i forget what the name of the song was.. but it was gorgeous!

my head is full of nothing.

i am so sleepy. i’m… OMG. ITS FREAKING 5:15 AM? SINCE WHEN!? wow.

i’ve been cleaning my closet today. normally i get nothing done because i find cool things and get sidetracked.. but i got the floor completely cleared out. it was full of clothes and trash and whatever else. now it’s cleannn. i need to do the shelves now. i throw my clothes on there, and everything is starting to fall over. i’ll be listing clothes on ebay soon. hello kitty and bleeding star stuff =]

boring journal.
