New Users On Buzznet

Buzznet is a tricky place to get used to. Just getting your profile photo up is like figuring out how to cross The Shire, evade ringwraiths, and cat tank yourself into Mordor. Many that trek this perilous Buzznet journey do not go passed this point, but for those that do, the rewards are great. Here’s to the n00bz that stuck around and made Buzznet a place of their own.

Creativity on Buzznet is like a cup full of apple juice that over-floweth. Also, there are chocolate chip cookies, baked with awesome, times infinity. I don’t even know what that means. Anyway, let’s take a look at a few of the new people on Buzznet that showed us something different this year. In no particular order (yay alphabetical!), they are –


Drawings! Colours! Awesome! BlackStar has some pretty neat little drawings. Free hand or with the aid of the computer, I can’t wait to see what BlackStar86 comes up with next!

Stop – BurganTime!

Hunter Burgan, of AFI has a Buzznet. SHHH! Don’t tell anyone! What he does is pure lulz. He takes things like Pancake Cat and drizzles his magic wordsmithery all over pop culture so that you might injest it in the most delicious way. Making pop culture delicious is the only way to take that slice of no one’s reality cake. Hunter has been on break as of late due to touring but we hope he comes back to serve more tasty lulz.

Why, HelloAnna

Anna’s photos are stunning. She is able to take an image and bring out things that you may have not noticed. She is on her way to taking georgeous portraits. Her photos seem like they were so much fun to shoot. Check them out!

Dang Its Jenny!

Jenny’s page is the little piece of sunshine that pokes out of the dark sky that is Buzznet. She takes wonderful photos, writes awesome journals, and is always ready to lend a hand when she can. She recently designed some shirts with all proceeds going to various charites. Yay!


If no one’s listening, then they are missing out. For those of us tuned into this pirate radio broadcast, prepare to be DAZZLED. I had to, sorry. Giselle is on her way to finishing a 365 Day Project. Another amzing set of journals and another awesome photographer.


Lover of all things ATL, Saucy is sturing the creative pot that is Buzznet. Mix one part budding writer, 1/3 cup of photography, and lots of rawrs to taste and you’ll have yourself one awesomely baked Buzznet cake! Take a slice cuz it’s being served up hot!

There is a slew of new users all adding their own flavars to Buzznet everyday. Hopefully they stick around and add to the fun that is our place on the interwebz. Here’s to many more awesome times and to another batch of users coming in 2010. If you have a fave new user that think needs a shout out, let me know!