Fill our socks with Whiskey drinks and Chocolate bars

These are from the JCPenny Celebuzz event Hosted by Molly Sims this week! I probably would not have worn pink-red if I knew the carpet was that color..oops. You win some you lose some. The event was really fun tons of yummy food and music..not to mention the one and only Santa Clause. Speaking of holidays I am having a dinner party tonight for my close friends. Im cooking an entire vegan dinner with dishes like candy sweet potatoes, rosmary mashed potatoes, spinach balls, cranberry orange sauce, sage stuffing and taco dip. I started this morning at 7am! Now im taking a break..but i can’t lie all this food and not being able to eat it is torcher! I might sneak some and call it a taste test..

Tomorrow morning is me and Jessica Louise sample sale yard sale at her studio downtown. I hope you guys can make it out..I will be there bright and early! I leave for Philly Monday morning and im not stoked on it. Too much flying in one month makes Audrey an exhausted girl. I am so ready for 2010 though bring it on.

The Smiths, pine scented candles, Christmas lights, sunflowers and canberry hemp body lotion is my life this moment.

P.S If i was still a guido chaser like I was at 15 on the boardwalk of the jersey shore I would be in love with Pauly D… I spent every summer at the Jersey Shore growing up.

Do you watch that show? Im addicted because Iv experianced the real deal..yikes!
