I would like to thank you for sucking at life from the bottom of my heart!

Sorry for going m.i.a apprently I like to do that a lot. Family was in town for weekend so we had to play tour guides and I was not around the computer as much. Its strange I keep getting really frustrated and mad at people who suck. People who use others to get what they want or fuck there way to the top. There are so many of these types of people out here in the plastic world of Hollywood. I am not from here nor do I ever want to live here. I am here to get things done. I get so pissed off when I have to hear about or see those kind of people on a daily basis. Today though I had a self realization. I need those people! I should be thanking all the talentless people who have no morals or self respect. Without them what would I be? Without the bad theres no good. Without the sweet theres no sour… im sure you get what im saying. I work really hard, I have never kissed someones ass or opened my legs for anything. Me and my friend Aaron who use to be in a shitty band and now does his own music talk about this everyday. Its so true that when you work for something and get it the right way it will last. Im not here to post some photos and blog online for a few years. I have only started what I plan on doing. I am not going to stop until I get what I want, I don’t take no as an answer. Everyone who tells me no only makes me work that much harder. I have already proven more buisness people wrong then I can count on my own two hands..and there is a hell of a lot more people who need to be shown they have no clue. I need people to know you can be yourself, be different, work hard and be successful. Everything in todays world tells you to look and act a certain way and if you don’t then you won’t make it… bullshit I refuse to be a part of that.

Anyone who tells you that you can not do something look them in the eye and laugh. You can do anything you want as long as you go about it the right way. You can’t take money, cars, clothing, popularity or diamonds with you when you die. The only thing you can take is what you have done here on earth. People forget that all these things have no meaning. Without meaning its nothing. You can create something amazing that will live on long after your gone…or you can be another lab rat to todays society. Nothing is more frustrating then people with no talent who want to be famous or peopl with huge talent who waste it. Todays world has it switched up. Most people you see on t.v and magazines are horrific excuses of human beings, while all the talented people are out busting there ass working hard everyday. Anyone can have a reality show..no thanks.

Today I stopped by the printer downtown to pick up samples from May!! When I got the Team Audrey shirts made I got another one printed as well and they had problems with there printer. I finally picked them up..there an older design still super cute and funny so I will put them up this week! Tomorrow I am shooting downtown with Adam and Wens I am shooting fast food with Sal. Thursday I am getting my roots done!..thank god. Friday me and Anna are going to Ashley Paige’s beach party then Im stopping by the KSM Demi Lovato tour to say hi. Busy week but I like it. It does NOT feel like July.. or even summer? 6 months of my year was spent in bed sick so seasons to me are all out of whack.

My birthday is in 2 weeks!! I hate birthdays they make me sad kinda? I have no idea what im going to do. I am not the celbration type. I will probably just hang out with my friends eat cake and have a good time.

Any good low key birthday Ideas?

Love and glitter,
