Smell Like Avril Lavigne

The wait is over, young Hot Topic worshippers–canadian bird-flipper and pop star Avril Lavigne is just about to launch her very own fragrance, Black Star.

The web site dedicated entirely to Avril’s debut scent describes it as “a fruity floral fragrance that combines the delicate scents of the pink hibiscus flower with addictively delicious black plum and dark chocolate!”

But it’s not just a perfume:

You know how so many of you make the comment that the US gets everything first? Well, you’re in luck, because this bottle o’ pink and black ‘tude hits the US… well, last.

On July 1, it will be in stores in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Poland, Croatia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. August 1, it’ll be in stores in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. Black Star will launch in United Kingdom and Romania in September. And what about United States? Black Star will be available in the US in Fall 2009.

Vague. I can’t even order a sample. Psh.

Anyway, if you long for your days of studded belts, fingerless gloves and fruitless attempts at skateboarding, what all this advertising tells me is that this CAN TAKE YOU THERE.

I think the packaging and presentation is a bit wacky tacky, but I doubt I’m the demographic they’re going for, anyway. I’m not gonna pass judgement on the scent until I have a sample in my possession. I’m really picky about scents, so we’ll see.

Oh, and lastly, Black Star? Do you think Mos Def and Talib Kweli are peeved?