and all the roads we have to walk are winding, and all the lights that lead the way are blinding.

the long memorial weekend is finally coming to an end, and what better way to end it then to go to a bbq with some of your closest friends. this weekend has been full of pool parties, candid photos, strawberry daiquiris, friends, loud music, late nights and hot sunny weather. i spent both saturday and sunday at the roosevelt pool. i got my tan on and got to see a bunch of friends. the music was killer and on sunday shwayze performed. tomorrow it’s back to work for me. in the morning i am shooting for the japanese magazine SWEET. they are doing an article on me and my apartment decor. in the afternoon i am going into buzznet to work on the reel i am making and to go over some things for the mtv awards! at night i am training at my gym crunch.. i love it!!

only one more week till june. i feel like june is the official kick off of summer. a few of my favorite accessories for summer this year are..

american apparel floppy hat:

gladiators w. studs:

big circle sunglasses:

over the shoulder slouchy bags:

what are your favorite summer accessories for this year?

