Friday The 13th – Your Bad Luck Survival Guide

Beware! The most unlucky of all days upon us! Lock yourself in doors with your favorite snacks, watch movies all day, and don’t do anything that could leave your life hanging precariously in the balance. Today being Friday the 13th and all, something bad is bound to happen, right? Well, if you pay attention to following things not to do today, you’ll be fine.

Today is a day for barricading yourself away, wrapping yourself in bubble wrap, and being extra cautious. If you’re anything like me and constantly dropping things or never paying attention to your surroundings because anything shiny catches your attention, today is not your day. I probably should have stayed home but then how could I dish out these handy Friday the 13th safety tips? In following examples, I have enlisted some Buzznet faces you all could recognize. I mean really, who’s going to listen to me?

5 – No spilling salt!

RPattz wants to remind you that spilling salt is a no no. Well, that and getting Harry Potter upset. Spilling the salt is like spilling out all your good fortune. In ye olden tymes, salt cost a lot of money. That meant that wasting any of it meant that you were wasting your good fortune and luck. This superstition is still around and thankfully you can combat the bad luck by throwing a pinch of salt over your shoulder.

4 – No walking under ladders!

As Mikey Way was doing some home improvements, Gerard was busy thinking of the next most sad thing he could write or draw. While Gerard was busy turning those massive, melancholy gears in his head, he accidentally walked under Mikey’s ladder. For shame!

Back in the days of yore, walking under a ladder was similar to walking under the gallows. Doing this meant your impending doom. Want a way to combat this misfortune? Cross your fingers till you see a dog!

3 – Don’t break any mirrors!

Bill Kaulitz would also like to remind you not to get corn rows on Friday the 13th or EVER. Since mirrors have to do with reflections and looking at your own soul, breaking a mirror meant a fracture in your self. Thanks to the Romans and their belief that every cell in your body was replaced in 7 years, that’s how long you have to sit around and wait to break your new found bad luck. Get comfy!

2 – Don’t let a black cat cross your path!

Davey Havok would like to remind you that a black cat in your path means bad luck is on its way. I am not sure if that means bad luck is coming to Davey or the cat, for crossing Davey’s path. Avoid your feline friends this day. You can do this by walking a dog or just not coming outside. If a cat does cross your path, make it your friend by giving it some vittals and petting it. This will bring you good luck or scabies. Like life, it’s a gamble.

1 – Don’t open an umbrella indoors!

Let us follow the following illustration as follows: Top left to right, middle left to right, etc. I’m sure you know how to read my simple diagram.

Katy Perry is out walking one fine day in the sun. Those once looming clouds give birth to rain babies. O noes! Thankfully, Katy has her trusty umbrella (made of paper but her IQ is another story). When she gets home, she wants to tell her friend about her rainy day. Then, she wants to show him what saved her. Fire ensues. It is unknown at this time if they made it out of the house.

Opening an umbrella indoors was frowned upon in the times of Ra, an ancient sun god. Shielding yourself from his protective rays indoors meant you incured his wrath or something plaugue like. You can reverse this bad luck by sacraficing your first born to Ra’s forgiving arms.

If you heed my warnings, you should make it through this day with no worries. Since I decided to clue you in on these keys to success, you must make tribute to me in cookie form, lest I reverse your luck by entering the matrix and stuff.

Do any of you believe in this superstition? Do you have any quirky superstitions that you do belive in? What do you do on days like today to stay on the good side of the spirit world? We’d like to hear!

Happy Friday the 13th! Stay safe out there!