Bree’s Book Corner: Naps and Cake

First, let me start of by saying that I don’t do book reviews. I have favorites, I have my dislikes, I have authors I would go to bat for if I needed to… but I feel the same way about books as I do about music — it largely depends on what mood you’re in and at what particular point in your life this piece of work comes to you. Know what I mean? That said, I’ll be recommending a few every week for very simplistic and personal reasons. Take it, leave it, or add me on goodreads.

This week, to go along with my proposed holiday, I’m suggesting two books about naps

1. Take A Nap, Change Your Life by Sara C. Mendrick because it can arm you with biological facts that support napping. I’m not even finished with this one yet, and I’m already cursing my circadian rhythm every afternoon and waving it in the faces of folks who frown on a 30-minute refresher snooze.

2. Change Your Life Without Getting Out Of Bed by SARK is a hand-written, colorful pro-napping book that cutely coerces us to reclaim our rights to nap. Filled with suggested nap equipment, companions, tips, quotations and the results of rampant nap deprivation.

Book that I love that is not about napping: I Was Told There’d Be Cake by Sloane Crosley.

She is an essayist, she is hilarious, and if you have book a.d.d. these short anecdotes are perfect for you. Also, they totally inspire ME to write, which is a bonus. FACT: I actually chose this book for the title, not knowing anything about it.