so here’s the deal… frankie and i have become obsessed with the show YO GABBA GABBA!!! we want to either guest star on it or become a permanent character.. so if you have any connections to this show let us know.. thank you..

in other news.. at the moment i am in philly.. tomorrow is hoodwink.. which is the pre show for the big bamboozle.. i cant wait for saturday.. snoop dogg is headlining which is amazing.. last night we were in baltimore.. i got hit in the head and i still have a bump.. so shitty.. only a few more weeks till i get my new apartment.. robyn and i are going to have the best apartment.. our fridge will always have cupcakes and sushi..

if you could guest star on any television show what would it be and why?

are you going to bamboozle this weekend? who are you excited to see?

