Ashlee Simpson Reportedly Pregnant, Dodges the Question

Rumor hitting the Internet rags ( is that the recently engaged couple Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz are expecting.

But from the mouth of the Fall Out Boy bassist (via comes a slightly different version of the truth!

“There is a witch hunt for people to be pregnant whenever they get engaged in Hollywood,” he wrote. “This is all news to me. I can’t wait for the story about how I’m really in a gay relationship and this is all just a cover. … I mean really, this is crazy. … I mean we’re engaged, that’s true, and happy about it.”
Uh, Pete? There are already stories about you being in a gay relationship. It’s called fan fiction.

Poor Ash. Homegirl can’t even retain water enjoy her engagement in peace.

On Tuesday, Ashlee herself responded… sort of. MTV questioned her when she stopped by for her TRL appearance. In true Ash-Fashion, she gave an indirect answer:

“For me, that’s something that I didn’t ever want to respond to, because I think it’s an inappropriate question,” Simpson said. “Some things, you want to keep personal, and I think that when people deny [reports that they’re pregnant], it’s probably because it’s something they want to keep personal.”

Wha? Someone pass her a note that says, “Are you pregnant? Circle ONE: Yes / No.”

Anyway. Talk amongst yourselves. And if your behind on this whole loop? There’s a great reaction round-up here.