A Clockwork Vacation

a new city everyday.. sleepless nights, long drives and late mornings.. got to spend a little over a week at home.. my apartment doesn’t even feel like its my home anymore.. it feels like im staying at a friends house.. just visiting.. as if i dont even live there.. in june robyn and i are getting a place together.. only 5 minutes from where i live now.. i prefer to live with someone, than be alone.. i cant wait.. the apartment is so amazing.. were going to do a vintage doll like theme.. tons of antiques.. its going to be amazing.. i want the living room to have round chairs and shag carpet.. i want it to look like something out of clockwork orange..

while i was home ali and i did a radio show for compound radio.. ali is going to be doing it every tuesday and whenever i am in town i will stop in.. the show is called leave your weave.. they broadcast live from a kitchen in hollywood.. the guitarist from danzig runs the station..

klariza and i shot some photos for the brutal bracelet which should be on sale soon.. the photos turned out great..

i’m sick of the shit talk and the hate that this generation is representing.. everyone has something to say.. if you really have a problem with me.. or with what i do.. then why do you keep looking and talking about it.. if you hate it so much then stop looking at my site.. its that easy.. i never called myself a model.. nor do i think im one.. im just doing what i can and what i enjoy.. i just dont understand how peope can be so negative when they dont even know you? do you agree?

summer is coming up. any big plans?

i need to take a trip to hawaii.. its my goal.. if you are going to any of the bamboozle roadshow shows, make sure to come say hello..

