Stealing Money from Diseased Children

I’m a bad person. Let me explain.

This weekend, Acura hosted the L.A. Marathon/Bike Tour. The cost was $40 some odd dollars to enter. I don’t know the specifics because I didn’t pay. This basically means that I am a thief and that I stole money from cancer patients, children with hairlips in Guam, and old ladies that can’t afford this month’s batch of Depends.

Someone had the bright idea to “crash” the Bike Tour, as that’s what us feisty Midnight Ridazz tend to do. We like riding in the middle of the street in large numbers, making lots of noise, and not paying for things (beer don’t buy itself!).

At first, when talk of this non-paying came up, I was against it. I didn’t want to take away arts and crafts time from some kid that eats play-dough at the age of 13 and still wears Osh Kosh Bigosh over-alls. Since I am of a low moral fiber, I decided to go for it. I mean, if you’re going to go all out, you might as well go big.

I snapped the above picture just as the Sun was coming up. I was too tired to give a crap if it looked good. I was also on one of Los Angeles’ well paved streets that is anything but. I must also mention that that I had been up since the previous day so this must have been at about hour 20 of no sleep time.

Here’s to going to Hell in a hand basket.