Weighing in on Ronnie Radke’s situation

Holy mother of drama in the comments! I can’t even keep up with all the opinions and arguments that flew around in response to the Ronnie Radke sentencing item.


I’ve decided to simplify it for you (or really, me)– I’ll give you two verdicts. You copy and paste the code of your choice into the comments. Handcuffs if you think he was let off easy for the involvement in Michael Cook’s death; get out of jail free card if you think his ruling was unfair (before you freak out, NOTED that he wasn’t sentenced to jail… I just couldn’t find a “get out of probation/fines/etc” card, obvi)

Handcuffs (he deserves it): <img src=”//buzznet-48.vo.llnwd.net/assets/pages/handcuffs.jpg”>
Get outta jail free card (ruling was unfair):<img src=”//buzznet-59.vo.llnwd.net/assets/pages/getouttajail.jpg”>

And then read Ashly’s “Beware your heroes are human” blog.